Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Tale of Three Pages

You know when you have an idea in your head...that should work?   Well, I have tried this idea THREE times now and each time it has not worked how I thought it should!  Not sure what is worse..that I kept trying or that I am even going to try one more time...

For now, I will give you a peak on the page that started it all - can't share too much as it is for Weekend Junket #09 that comes out next week!

So here goes...I wanted to use some Decoupage Paper on my page and be able to tear it off so it looked like worn paint. Sound easy enough right? Nope!

I started using Liquitex Super Heavy Gesso applied very thickly onto the page using my Prima Finnabair Silicone Brush and while it was still wet, put the Craft Consortium Decoupage Paper Flutter of Butterflies on top and pushed it into all the nooks and crannies of the page and gesso.

Once it was dried I tried to tear off some of the Decoupage Paper...ya, not gonna happen!  So the idea(s) started...

A Tale of Three Pages

Tale of Page One:

Started with a stencil from Stencil Girl (Ripples of Imagination 2) and applied Liquitex Super Heavy (Matte) Gel Medium through the stencil.

Did this on both sided of the two page spread, then applied the Decoupage Paper on each side, pushed it into the gel medium in hopes that it would stick to it and then tear away where the gel wasn't... 

ya, not quite what I expected!  It tore off a lot more than I had hoped (bummer), so this is where I decided to make the most of it and pulled out my Daler Rowney FW Acrylic Inks... 

Trying to keep it simple, I first chose only two colors (Indian Yellow and Turquoise) in hopes of making some new ones as they blended once water was added... 

Liked how I was able to get orange and green, but felt it needed some brightness, so added Purple Lake and spritz away with a good amount of water. 

I did like it, but was not happy with the lack of visual shape (the stencil) I was not seeing....not to mention, the lack of the Butterfly paper.

 So I decided to pull out the the stencil again (this is when idea for pg #2 came upon me), and I used my Stabilo All Pencil in Black and traced around the stencil so the shape would pop.

Then I simply blended (smudged) the pencil with a damp finger.  Looks okay, but not sure if I am done with it yet, but for now...I have moved onto trying to get this idea of my onto paper and making it stick!

 Tale of Page Two:

Thinking it might be the gel, I tried using Golden Regular Gel this time, again through a Stencil Girl Stencil (Floral 2), trying hard for it stay within the stencil.  Tried a different Decoupage Paper as I suspected that might be the issue.  The second Decoupage Paper was from DecoArt called Olde World.  It was a tad thinner, but it too had a bit of a finish on it and have come to terms now (after three, okay actually four pages) that is/was the issue.

Pulled the stencil off and once again, added the paper to it and pushed it in and allowed it to dry over night.

Started to tear it off, wasn't looking good, so decided to spray some water on it...thinking it would allow the paper that was not stuck to the gel rip off easily... 

ya, it ripped off easily all right! Base page you have now become!

Tale of Page Three:

Okay, trying this yet again!  I put the stencil down first (photo missing) and put the same Gel Medium through the stencil, then lifted it off, laid the Decoupage Paper down on top (same DecoArt Pack, different paper), pressed down, then put the stencil back on top.  Carefully laid it out so it was the same as the base application.  Then once again, put a coat of the Gel Medium through the stencil. Let it dry over night.  It surely had to work right? Afterall, it was stuck between two layers of Gel Medium...

It's totally dry, here I go...

Seriously?!  The areas you are seeing with the paper still on it is only because I refused to tear it off in that direction! I was not going to waste yet another sheet of the Decoupage Paper!

One would think I would give up...nope not this chick!  I am trying it once again as I type this! I have come to terms that it is the paper.  So trying it with Tissue Paper!  It is going to work...right?

  On a good note, as much as I learned doing these pages, the last two shown above have become background/base pages and I will tackle them at a later date!  Onward I go...

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