Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Welcome Back...to ME!

Yes, it has been way too long since I have been on this blog. When I said I was going to step away from things I guess I was serious. 2018 was a tough year, so much happened in the year, I am just happy it is over and so far 2019 is strutting along in a very positive state.

As you know, I shut down my online store at the end of 2018 - as hard as it might have been to let go - I have such a sense of freedom now with my days.  I have begun to take a lot of time for me - whether I choose to read, paint, journal, watch tv or even have a nap....nap, really? It has happened a few times!

Once I had the inventory counted and inputted, I boxed it all up and donated it to our local Library for their extra programs.  It is a feeling of pure joy on both our parts - them for receiving and me for giving.

This photo is the large part of it and will go a long way in helping keep their programs active and of course fun. Hope you enjoy it Cold Lake Public Library! From the smile on Cindy's face I'd say that that has already been answered!

So what have I been up to creatively you ask? If you head over to Instagram you will see as that is where I have posted the most.  In the mean time, if you don't have Instagram, here are a few images to check out.

I know that is a lot to look at in the grid format - but you can always also check out on my Facebook page @w2studioarts. If you are there, please take the time to like the page and comment as I am seriously considering deleting this due to low traffic.


As many of you know I have a absolute love of collage and have been really focusing on it a lot.  I have acquired a sizable collection and have been busy in the background starting to pack up some of it to sell off some of the access papers. The papers are perfect for Junk Journals, textural starts on journal/canvas/board creations, collage starters...just about any art installations!

Here is a peek....

 There will be a great variety of bundles to purchase - dictionary, music, encyclopedia, catalogs and so much more - nothing newer than the early 1990's all the way back to the 1800's!  Priced from $5.00 up to $16.00 (plus shipping). If this is something that interests you, watch on Instagram and here for postings!

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That Other Neutral Triptych

  That Other Neutral Triptych wrapped canvases 10x10x1.5" (x3) professional grade artist materials I worked on this smaller series at ...