Today's studies are all about the Harmonious Colors. Creating a palette with these Triad colors was a lot of fun. They play with the unification of Transparency or Opacity, Intensity or Tinting strengths. Using 'like' colors for the basis of the color wheel was seriously mind blowing for me. I so often I get hung up on the technicality of color and this showed and allowed me to let that technicality go.
So what are harmonious colors? It refers to colors that are pleasing to the eye. They create a harmonious contrasts and compatibilities. In this case, Triadic. Meaning equally spaced on the color wheel. And even more specific in this case using the hues of the primaries. The one thing I did differently than the norm, is I used Titan Buff for my tone vs gray. I may go back to this study and try using gray to see the difference.
The first palette I played with was the Old Masters Palette. The basis of this palette is that the Masters were limited on their palette (natural colors). This palette of values has an intermediate tinting strength that yield a low intensity and are semi-transparent mixes. I chose to use Raw Sienna (for my yellow), Burnt Sienna (for my red/magenta) and Paynes Gray (for my blue/cyan).
I have really liked 'mixing' my paints right in my journal of late, I enjoy the freedom it allows me to reach new heights in my tones and values. This piece literally took me less than ten minutes and I must say, I really like it.
The next palette I worked on - Opaque Palette. This is a very unique one and tricky to achieve the harmonious hues. When reached, it is breath taking. As a general rule, Magenta is a very high pigmented oxide was no different. Little was needed to create change. It is very difficult to reach the dark of darks with this palette, but is noticeable enough to create values.
My colors of choice here were Yellow Ochre (yellow), Red Oxide (red/magenta) and Cerulean Blue (blue/cyan). I again mixed with Titanium White and Titan Buff.
I continued following my same applications as previous. I did add the use of a script brush to create the line work otherwise this time around, I used my fingers for application. They are the best tool for blending you will ever use!
The Bright Earth palette is just that - bright! This triad has low intensity but very powerful tinting strengths and has high transparency levels. Values are easily achieved whether from brights to darks. One thing to note on this palette, the hue violet is pretty much unachievable. My color choices for this palette were Raw Sienna (yellow), Red Oxide (red/magenta) and Phthalo Blue (Green Shade) for my blue/cyan.
This was a challenging palette to mix. I had a good start and then it went off the deep end so I got my fingers & brush in there and worked it the best I could. At one point I had used the back of my brush and make some marks in frustration and discovered the glorious colors below! The good thing with having that amount of paint on the page, I was able to manipulate it back to a level and then sketched a flower onto the page. The mix of the Raw Sienna and Red Oxide below was majestic.
This palette is the Modern High-Intensity. These are transparent, have powerful tinting strengths. The one thing you will see I did differently this time is that I subbed Neutral Gray for the Titan Buff this time around and achieved some serious vibrancy.

This time through, I once again used my fingers as my application tool. The flow and blending this accomplishes is amazing and is not mirrored by any other tool. The marks use see I created by dipping the end of a tape roll in the yellow. I also used my trusty wooden skewer to scratch in some unique marks.
The final color study I did here was the Modern Low-Intensity palette. I will say, by this time, I was getting pretty over this and just wanted to paint. You can see by my sample palette in my color journal, I didn't even finish listing the colors! It is hard to say what that final color is, but since I see I used DecoArt Media Fluid Acrylics, I am guessing it was Paynes Gray.
This palette is just what is says, it is low in color intensity. It tends be be very flat in visual texture yet in the same token, can provide an amazing visual punch.
You can see I mixed it up a bit differently once again this time. I mixed the colors with Titan Buff, Neutral Gray and Titanium White. You can see there was very little change aside from toning down the hue. The white did not tint it like one would have thought. What it did do, was make it opaque. This palette is a common one in nature type art. Since we all know that is not my kinda art, I did an abstract piece. It is not perfect, but it shows the values well.
Tools used here were a mix of my bright brush and my fingers. The line work is done with a script brush along with a Stabilio Woody in black.
That about sums it up for today. There is so much more I can go into, but for now I will leave it here. I will be back soon with a wrap up on this part of my study. Hope to see you around.
Don't forget to check out my feeds on Facebook & Instagram (@w2studioarts). Have a great day...
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