Friday, May 30, 2014

No Apologies...

....I just gave in!  I tried for two weeks to fight this cold - it won!  I have been down and out all week, finally caved and went to the Dr this morning only to confirm that it is a viral infection and I have to just let it run its' course.  So continue on my regiment and hope for the best (feeling better, just tired).  So thought I would site down and show some more of what I had been working on.

Thought I needed another project, so was on you tube and came across this hot little number!  More Doodling (something I really need help with), so found a video by Joanne Fink and this was my first attempt...

it is very relaxing and something I can do while I sit with the family at night instead of being down in my shop.  So decided I should create myself a 'doodle' book.  Pulled out my stash of washi and made myself  this fun book.

I used one of my Moleskine books that I have been hoarding.  Took two pages at a time and taped them together using various patterns and colors of washi tape (right now, I only did the long edge) and then on random pages I would fold on the diagonal to make a pocket!

The following are pictures of the front and back that I decorated up with washi as well... 

Now if I could only find the time to continue doodling!  If you have an hour or two (haha), head over to You Tube and search Joanne Fink and check out some of here work - there are some great inspirations just waiting for you to put into your own doodle journal!

Continuing on the doodling theme, I also took part in a Lettering class created by Joanne Sharpe, called Letter Love 101.  I should back track a bit, I saw her book on Amazon 'The Art of Whimsical Lettering' and of course fell in love with the colors and her style so just had to order the book thinking it would give me more inpsiration for my art journal and doodle journal.  So after going through the book, thought I needed a bit more info, so signed up for one of her ongoing definitely helps having the two to work hand in hand.  Here are a few sample of one of her lessons...

I purposely watched the video and then turn if off so I could go back and look at her samples as reference.  Must say if was pretty comical to compare my interpretation of her lettering prompts as my results were very different from hers - I'm okay with that!

I did the same thing in this journal as I did in the Moleskine, but this time I glued the pages together after I completed a page.  As I was using my zig writer and my copic, they tended to bleed through so I put a scrap piece of paper behind the page as I work on it, then glued it when both sides were completed.  At the end of the lesson, I wrote my thoughts and reasoning down on the actual lesson.  So now I have three journals on the go - Art, Doodling AND Lettering....why do I do this to myself!  Perhaps my summer will be a very creative's hoping!

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